Monday, July 12, 2010

Week 5: Recovery Week #1

I am really scared of running injuries. I get nervous if my knees ache after a long run, and recently had some discomfort in the arch of my right foot that made me paranoid about plantar fasciitis. I've been pretty rigid in following my training plan, because one sure-fire way to get a running injury is to increase mileage too fast. My training plan also has built-in recovery weeks to give the body a chance to take a break & heal. After three weeks of increasing mileage, there is one week of short runs. Week #5 was a recovery week. I ran 3 miles on Tuesday, 4 miles on Thursday, and 3 miles on Sunday. Each run felt good. I can tell that my body is getting stronger and my endurance is improving. I also noticed that my natural comfortable pace is getting a little faster. While speed isn't necessarily my focus for this race, it's nice to know that it is improving.

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